Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall is here. Put on my first turtleneck of the season!

I have no idea where my camera is, so all of today's photos were taken with my phone. Not bad for phone photos.

Before I was really awake, we were out the door to see Dr. Burstein. Hoping I'd get my stitches out. I didn't. But I CAN drive! Hooray! Took a cup of decaf in the car. I like the way the picture came out: all jiggly.

We stopped at Dunkin on the way home, and I had one of their egg-white flatbread thingies, and another cup of decaf. I wonder if I could call decaf JO instead of JOE since the E (for energy) isn't in it? A cup o' jo sounds better than always saying decaf.

Had a cup o' soup for lunch. One of those Telma mushroom soup cubes. I really like them.

I even washed my studio mug for the occasion.

Late afternoon tea. Today's was some herbal thing that bills itself as Relax. I put a touch of homey in it, but despire the plastic lemon being in the picture, I didn't add any lemon. This tea is citrusy enough.

Cocktail hour and scrabble. Pam B. and Carol came over for scrabble and dinner. My cocktail was made-up and not measured. It needs a little less liqueur, but it's good enough to name.

How about the GOATE? My letters in the game... I was going to play GOATEE, but Pam played on the open E!! With a Q no less!


2 oz. bourbon
1/2 oz. orange liqueur (Gran Oranj, Grand Marnier, etc. I used Le Belle Orange)
about 1/2 oz. orange juice
dash of grenadine

Carol brought a bag of blue corn chips, so I had a handful. I also had a handful of honey-roasted peanuts, and I did NOT take a picture on purpose because I've bad-mouthed them twice now. I guess I keep thinking maybe the next handful won't be as sweet.

The beginning of an extended dinner, as Morrow, Pam, and I talked for a long time after Carol had to leave.

Asian salmon cakes, from Wisdom House:

Chopped salmon, ginger and garlic, a whole bunch of scallions chopped, tamari sauce, a splash of orange juice, and shredded nori leaf. There were no measurements given in the recipe, so I'm guessing everything was OK. I personally would have like more ginger and more tamari.

I served the salmon with rice, and a salad.

And I had a little glass of red wine.

Not photographed was a second helping of salad and a little more wine in my glass.

And another small bite of salmon cake. Carol didn't eat much of hers. I'll take the rest for lunch tomorrow.

As we sat and talked, I grabbed some red grapes which I think Carol also brought. They were good!

As if I didn't eat enough tonight, I saw Morrow eating a cookie and just had to have one. That was the red wine whispering "cookie" in my ear.

And a cup o' jo

That's a stop 'n' shop M&M cookie, by the way.

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